ervaringen van Jasper met een sixpack ingreep en een penisvergroting

Jasper's experiences 

June 2022

Last summer, I went on a journey with Bproud Esthetics to Istanbul for two procedures: I wanted a six-pack and a larger, thicker penis. Because I am very pleased with the results, I'm happy to share my experiences.

For many years, I've spent countless hours at the gym in the hopes of achieving an impressive physique. It has always been of great importance to me. However, in 2022, I came to realize that no matter how dedicated I was to my workouts, I wouldn't achieve the desired body. My insecurity grew, prompting me to reach out to Bproud Esthetics for information on cosmetic procedures.

During the initial consultation, I had the opportunity to meet the skilled doctors who would be treating me in one of the world's most renowned clinics. These doctors attentively listened to my story and my desires. They provided honest advice and presented an option they referred to as the 'Perfect Transformation.' This included attaining a well-defined physique, the six-pack surgery, and a penis enlargement, to be performed simultaneously, with promising results. The entire procedure was thoroughly explained, and I took my time carefully considering this decision.

The warm welcome, clear information, the doctors' sincerity, and constructive discussions convinced me to travel to Istanbul with Bproud Esthetics. There, I had further extensive consultations with the doctors and underwent various examinations.

I am delighted to say that the procedures were executed successfully. The surgery went smoothly, and during my recovery period, I received exceptional care from the dedicated nursing staff.

To this day, I am so satisfied with the outcomes of both the six-pack procedure and the penis enlargement, and I haven't regretted my decision for a moment.

Bproud Esthetics demonstrates unwavering commitment to precision, professionalism, and safety, offering its clients a five-star experience. This was crucial for me as I sought confidence in the process and answers to all my questions. Therefore, I can confidently say that Bproud Esthetics was the right choice.

I proudly admire my transformed body; Bproud.



Are you considering male cosmetic surgery, like a penis enlargement or sixpack surgery? We are happy to assist you by providing helpful information, and on request, we will list the prices of this cosmetic treatment in Turkey, our care for you, your luxury stay and your journey to Turkey. 
You may find it helpful to talk about this first, especially with someone who knows exactly what she's talking about, for she has had plastic surgery herself. What are your wishes, how do you know if this is realistic? What are the costs of a cosmetic treatment?
Ask your question to Esther on 06 25510705 or chat via instagram.

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